Tuesday 6 March 2012

Photoshop - Practising Using Photoshop

       Before starting my preliminary task of actually creating the school magazine, I first practised using photoshop. Editing photos is extremely common, particularly in magazines and on covers. There has been much debate over young girls being too heavily influenced over perfect looking models on front covers and how image manipulation should be banned. However, the reality is that most magazine editors will never stop editing there images. As I've stated in previous posts, they will want to use a flawless person for their cover, they won't actually get these flawless images without image manipulation. In these pictures of Megan Fox, I will explain how I used image manipulation to modify the image.

Original Image:

Edit 1
As you can see from the first image, using photoshop I was able to remove all of the blemishes from Megan Fox's chin to make her skin look flawless as most people would not see spots as attractive or making someone classically beautiful.
 Edit 2:
In this image I was able to remove the shadow from under Megan's nose as this may have been a lighting error.I also made her hair look more smooth and sleek by removing stray hairs around her head, Megan would aim to have a flawless image without a hair out of place.
Photoshop allowed me to make the image black and white as this makes the image very classical and connotates old film and classic hollywood beauty. I added a red lip on top to add a pop of colour, similar use has been used in Vibe magazine on the Kanye contents page I analysed. This use of a red lip draws the viewers eye and connotates sexuality which as previously stated sells magazines.

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