Tuesday 24 April 2012

Contents Page - Break Down

Complete Product:

From analysing existing contents pages, I am aware that it must be consistent in house style, colours and images. I chose to create another pink gradient as on the front cover from the bottom up of a baby pink shade. I also created the masthead using capital letters again and an elephant font. I used the fx tool to emboss, contour, inner and outer shadow and created a wide outer shadow like on the cover.

I then created my "break in the book" showing me where my images and text will go. I used an image of Amy in the same jacket to show synergy and cut her out using the magnetic lasso tool on Photoshop. I used the dropper tool to get the same colour to use on the break in the book. I placed my images here because Billboard had three images set and I felt it structured the page.

I felt the background was too plain so I took inspiration from VIBE magazine and used a "R" where they had used a "V". I used the dropper tool to find the exact colour of Amy's jacket and kept it an elephant font for synergy though made it 500pt. I also arranged the layer to the back and lowered the opacity. 
I then added my editors letter from which I found inspiration from the Keri Hilson extract I analysed. She addressed her readers almost personally and informally with a certain amount of shared understanding. To do so, I called the readers rebels and acknowledged them with"Hey" which is fairly feminine in fitting with the demographic of the readers.

I then added the text which I set out like VIBE at the top. It is simplistic yet informative. The colours chosen were used and using an elephant font i created "features" and "also". Font converges with the purpose of the text, for example "KEIGAN TAKES OVER" is about REBEL's webpage so this is in an almost robotic, sci-fi font. Where as "Stars Stories" is in a more glamorous font. In all text I used the fx tools in various ways, though was conscious not to over-edit. 

To complete it I added page numbers next to the article headline. I then added 5 images which I took and edited and placed numbers over these. I added to the folio more by adding the issue, magazine name and page number. The magazine name shows synergy.

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