Tuesday 24 April 2012

Double Page Spread - break down

Finished Article:
This is my finished double page spread for my magazine REBEL featuring "Pop Sensation" Amy Brown.
  Below is how I created this article and justification for my creation:

    I started off creating a new document on Adobe Photoshop CS5, I doubled the width of an A4 paper to ensure it was the right size. After analysing two double page spreads, I recognised the synergy and relation in colour, style and images between all three pages I created. The conventional three colours I chose were pink, orange and white. This is due to the issue being in July 2012 as magazines tend to adapt their colours seasonally. I chose the bright pink I had used in the masthead in both the contents and front page and created a gradient across the page

  The orange was incorporated in the jacket Amy is wearing. I made a conscious decision when taking the images to dress Amy in summer colours. I used this image of Amy and manipulated it through using my vibrance, hue, saturation, brightness, contrast and exposure amongst other features Photoshop offers. As this image is attractive and rather suggestive, though aimed at girls, this is evidence of David Gorndlett's theory of 'girl power' within the media.

   I then created the headline, as Amy is rather suggestive in her image and her text implies she is quite a REBEL (showing synergy to the name of the magazine and the star featured). I used "AMY BROWN" as I feel this immediately establishes her to those who may not know her. I chose a font called SI Impact. This font has connotations of a rebellious and proud nature. Using the fx tool, I created an outer shadow on this headline and was able to contour to give an almost 3D effect. The headline is always conventionally at the top so the readers eye can interact from top to bottom.
   I also added in page breakers, matching Amy's jacket. This is known as the break of the book. The large breaker across the middle I analysed in Solange Knowles feature in VIBE. I also columned in two four columns. Initially I did three however realising the text would be spread across the pages, these page barriers distinguish one page from the next. they are also evenly spread out.

I then added the article I had previously written. I conventionally used a lead columned within the first column like Solange Knowles'. Within the lead "AMY BROWN" is in capital letters, set differently from other text as I had analysed in both double pages. I considered using a drop capital though when I tried it out my magazine looked out of place I was unable to justify my text. I ensured my text surrounded my image to make it look professional. Most text is music related however in my questionnaire many did request fashion and style along with childhood memories which I included. Culture is not included a lot, however it could be argued pop and rap culture are included along with American culture.  Slang and improper English language was a necessity I felt due to the genre and artist. Its suitable to represent the artist in their brand image and identity. Fans will be aware from publicity and promotional campaigns, along with social networking sites of Amy's nature. It is only right to give the fans the identity of Amy they are familiar with. 

I then included anchorage text over the image which is a quote from the article, it is Amy summarising herself and her past. I used the fx effect and created a satin effect, as well as embossing, contouring, inner and outer shadows. I also added promotional text for Amy's next single above the page breaker, along with the folio in the conventional places including the page number, issue and magazine. The magazines name was set in its house style. Throughout the article when the word REBEL arose, whether in relation to the actual magazine name or Amy's rebellious attitude it was set in the correct house style showing synergy.

I felt I needed another image so I added a thumbnail of Amy and her dog. The dog is what is known as a "designer dog" and only adds to Amy's natural glamour more so. There is a border to separate from text and a conventional caption below.

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